Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Super Newfie!!

I've never been one to make New Year's resolutions - I don't need a page on a calendar to tell me when I should challenge myself or make changes in my life. I'm pretty stubborn that way.

Last year a friend of mine took part in a fund raising event that left me gobsmacked and jealous - she rappelled down the side of a 30 storey building in the Calgary  Easter Seals Drop Zone. I've decided that this is a challenge I wish to conquer.

The event itself takes place on September 4, 2014 so I have quite some time to think about what I will be doing. In the mean time, I must raise at least $1500 if I am to be allowed to take part.

(This is the part of the infomercial where the inspirational music kicks in, and you imagine me heroically gliding down a rope on the side of a 300 foot building, hair billowing in the breeze...)

(It will likely be more like me tumbling clumbsily down a wall, screaming at the top of my lungs...)

In either case... wouldn't you love to see that? I am not above begging for your support. Easter Seals Alberta provides a great deal of support for Albertans with disabilities. It's a great organization which could use your financial support, no matter how small the amount.

Please consider making a donation on my sponsorship page and help make a Newfie fly!!